The original cast recording was recorded in December 1979. In 1980 it was released on Original Cast Records. In 1993 it was remastered to CD and is available at TOWER, HMV, DRESS CIRCLE in London, VIRGIN, FOOTLIGHTS and over the internet at AMAZON, CDCONNECTIN, CDNOW, MUSICBLVD. TUNES has audio clips of the whole score that you can play with REALAUDIO. You can also buy direct from me-send $12 to Michael Bitterman, 29 Paradise Way, Saugerties, NY 12477
I will include one of the original programs from the show-as long as they last.
FIVE AFTER EIGHT (Original Cast Records OC 9219;
Produced in New York in November 1979, FIVE AFTER
EIGHT was concerned with what five actors (portrayed by Sally Funk, James
Paul Handakas, Dena Olstad, Arthur Alan Sorenson and Barbara Walker) go
through in their personal and professional lives after their show has closed.
It's score, by Michael Bitterman, has some astute observations to make
about off-stage life in numbers such as "The Spirit Song" "I Know You're
Here Jeannine" "It's Not Working Out" "Nothing Can Stand In My Way" " We're
Not Who We Think We Are" and others, an amusing "How Can You Write a Song
About Manhattan When They've All Been Written Before" including snatches
of "Manhattan" "How About You" "New York, New York" and "Another Hundred
People" with parody lyrics.